
Zuni 49 Studios. November 2018

When referencing a memory over and over, breakdown is inevitable. Hard edges smooth out, while a smooth surface can be pitted apart by atmosphere, by oxidization. Like a xerox print of a print of a print, things get fuzzy. I enjoy working in this landscape- pulling images internally. A mental map of what you know a place, a person, an event to be. To the best of my recollection this is how this appeared…more of a pattern than a concrete thing. An archetype.




48×56 in mixed media on panelĀ 

Reality Vs Expectations

24×24 in mixed media on panel

Well, theres a few different ways we can look at this

48×56 in mixed media on panel

Rust Belt Spirit

18×36 in mixed media on panel

Here I Lie

30×30 in mixed media on panel

Time is a River

18×36 in mixed media on panel

Those Who Forget the Past (are doomed to repeat it)

32×32 in gouache, latex and enamel on panel

Most Events Aren’t Planned

12×9 in gouache, latex and enamel on two panels

Cure for Melancholia

18×24 in latex and enamel on linen

Barn Vs Void

12×16 in gouache, enamel, and latex on linen

Bare Fronted Hoodwink

9×9 in enamel and latex on linen


Tactile Yearnings

9×9 inĀ  gouache on linens

Gated View

24×30 in gouache, ink and enamel on linen


Non Forgotten Ikons

48×56 in mixed media on canvas